I just got an email from Leap Motion saying they expect to ship the device beginning May 13. I had forgot I had even pre-ordered this very cool device sometime last year. In case you don’t know what it is, Leap Motion is a peripheral you connect to your computer that allows it to recognize hand gestures. You can swipe in mid-air, pinch, draw, write, make different motions, etc. I guess its like the Kinect for Xbox, except its for your PC and doesn’t use a camera. The Youtube demo looks impressive and a lot of fun!
Besides just using it as a mouse alternative, they are designing apps and other functions that will really make this device standout: game play, dedicated apps, it’s all supposedly coming. I was certainly keen to give it a try last year. Let’s hope they deliver it when they say they will and it works as advertised.

Leap Motion Device

Leap Motion attached