I’ve started to see the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity (aka TF700) advertised more aggressively and even show up in several stores as a display model, ready for pre-orders. Although the TF700 looks fairly much like any of Asus’ other tablets, the Infinity has the most impressive specs, and honestly, is the first real competitor to the new iPad. The key standout feature of the TF700 is its 1920×1080 Super IPS+ Panel which puts it on par with the Retina Display of the new iPad. With a Quad core 1.6Ghz chip, 8MP camera, 1080p video, and that awesome optional keyboard – this is probably the current king of Android tablets. I’m tempted. The one downside, with the keyboard, the unit costs (HK$6480 or about US$830). That’s very pricey for a tablet.

Asus Infinity TF700