Finally, Minority Report has arrived. If you remember the movie, I’ve always loved the idea that one day we would using our fingers to gesture in the air for computer commands. We already have the Kinect for the Xbox, so I always wondered when such controls for everyday computing would appear. It appears Leap is trying to get us there. While still a concept, the idea and the execution of the idea looks impressive. The video looks really good. Still, will they actually deliver a product that lives up to the marketing? Will it be as fast as it looks? Will it be accurate? Will it have a noticeable lag? All questions we will have to wait to find out. If you pre-order now for US$69.99, it expects to ship in December this year or January next year. That seems so long from now. But it’s definitely cool and if it works, will be the future replacement of the mouse. If it really is that good, I’m sure Apple (and others) are knocking at their door ready to take a stake or buy the company/ technology. Hopefully, this product comes to fruition. I remember too many “concept” products that never did.

Leap Motion 1

Leap Motion 2