Apple announced its next-generation iPad, calling it the “new” iPad and not the iPad 3. The new iPad has 4 notable upgrades:
- A retina display featuring 2048-by-1536-pixel resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi)
- Dual Core A5X custom chip with quad core graphics
- 5-megapixel iSight camera w/ HD video recording
- 4G LTE as an option
In my opinion, this seems fairly disappointing. While these are positive upgrades to the device, this certainly doesn’t live up to expectations. The new iPad has the same design as the iPad 2 which means this is much like the 4S replacement for the iPhone 4 – just a minor upgrade. Perhaps this has much to with Apple not calling it the iPad 3.
The screen upgrade is worthy, but as many already have an iPhone, this won’t seem like something revolutionary. I’ve always though people walking around carrying the iPad and using it as a camera was a little silly, but I guess there will be more people doing so now. For me, the key upgrade is the dual core chip. HD files (video for example) just do not play on the iPad so this is a vast improvement. Hopefully, we’ll get much better gaming on the device as well. 4G is a wonderful option, but I don’t believe networks globally are ready, and the poor telcos – networks, already under so much pressure now is likely to only get more overwhelmed with the further surge in data usage.
So what do you do? Do you buy an iPad 3? Well unless you are a real gadget freak like me, I’m not convinced. If you are still using the iPad 1, then yes, it’s definitely worth it. If you have an iPad 2, I don’t think you need to go out immediately and get the iPad 3. It’s also a little late to try to sell the iPad as prices have already fallen and after today, it will go down even more. So I would just hang in there for now.
With Apple moving the bar up, there is likely to be another wave of new tablets. There are already some good alternatives, but let’s see what the competition can deliver as well, and soon.
theVooner says: Disappointing. Very disappointing. Apple is running out of tricks. Will the real iPad 3 please stand up?

New iPad