Lytro Camera
So this company Lytro has come up with a very novel camera that takes a whole new approach to taking pictures. Using a new idea of capturing an image, the camera (if you can call it that as it looks very little like a camera) allows one to take an image and then process it on a Mac. The edited image allows you to change the point of focus which can dramatically alter your interpretation of the image. By re-focusing on the different depths of focus, you can completely change the image you are looking at. I love the whole idea, the science behind it and the result. Its such a fantastic, novel approach to images. I’m certainly curious.
theVooner says: Love the tech! Let’s put it into phones.

I was digging deeper into the technology and the device as I was serious about actually ordering one. I think the technology is outstanding and I love trying new things. But I was sad to learn from several other sources that while the technology is sound and the device does what it says it would do, the image quality/resolution isn’t very good. The disappointment is that the output image is just 1.2 megapixels and from what I read and saw, the images aren’t good enough. That unfortunately doesn’t sound very promising. In addition, the whole thing relies heavily on a program (which works only on a Mac for now). While that’s ok, you could arguably get a lot of help by using Lightroom/Photoshop and working with RAW images to get better outputs as well. It might not be able to change the focus as wonder as this does, but it gives you a lot of options that would certainly improve the image. So while the technology sounds extremely promising (and very cool), it might be more warranted to wait for the second or third generation Lytro.

Lytro in use