HTC has gone very quiet in the past months as its last few handsets have been disappointing. Samsung has swept all the momentum away and has emerged as the leader in the Android space. But don’t count out HTC yet. HTC announced the HTC One X at the MWC recently and it looks impressive. A quad-core engine, Android 4.0 plus a new Sense UI, NFC, Beats audio integration, and what looks like a fantastic 4.7″ HD screen. Although it is missing an SD card slot, and I’m not sure if all the versions will get 4G LTE (it doesn’t appears as if the International models will), but this could finally get me to switch away from Samsung and back to HTC (which I have always liked). Can’t wait to see it!
theVooner says: HTC is on the right track back…
[Update: HTC also announced the One XL which includes LTE. Nice, though most LTE networks aren’t really ready.]


HTC One X pic 2